Saccidananda Ashram, Madampam
It was located at Madampam near Sreekandapuram in the district of Kannur. It was a hermitage of our Vice-Province at the initiative of Br. M. Devanand. It was a new venture meant to foster the life of prayer and recollection in the capuchin tradition.
On 12th August 2006, it was formally blessed and inaugurated. The very name Saccidananda has a Trinitarian tone and contemplative content. Emphasis is on silence, solitude and prayer as found in the tradition of Eastern Churches. Saccidananda is inspired by the Franciscan Contemplative spirit as re-discovered by the capuchin reformation. The lifestyle comes very close to the spiritual tradition of India. It is open to the seekers in small numbers in the form of Satsang. The then Provincial, Br. Scaria Kalloor and the Provincial council decided to donate 5 acres of our land at Madampam which was brought by us to start a Capuchin Ashram, to the Archdiocese of Kottayam in the year 2010. Thus Saccidananda Ashram ceased to exist.