Padua Ashram, Perambra

The need to facilitate our ministries in the northern part of Kerala called for a new foundation. In the year 1978 Br. Claude, the then Provincial, entrusted the task to Br. Alphonse. After a long search, the present site was chosen by Br. Alphonse, and Br. Stephen Jairaj. The already exist- ing building was turned into an Ashram. Later, a temporary Chapel, and a Social Centre were built by Br. Gerard. As a response to the repeated appeals from the local public, especially since they had already secured permission from the state Government for an English Medium Primary School, the Provincial Council decided to start an English Medium Primary School in the compound of Padua Ashram in the year 1984. The Provincial Chapter of the year 1987 directed the Provincial Council to hand over the School to someone else. The Chapter was of the majority opinion that Eng- lish Medium School is not in keeping with the Capuchin charism. Hence ownership of St. Francis School with the newly built building along with the site was handed overto the F. C. C. Sisters of Kozhikode Province in 1987.
A chapel cum hall was constructed under the supervision of Br. Jacob Kurisinkal and it was blessed on 17th January 1993. Our Ashram Church was raised to the status of a parish and was inaugurated by his Excellency Mar Paul Chittilap- pilly, Bishop of Thamarassery during the Eucharistic celebration on 17th January 1999. The ashram building was reconstructed under the supervision of Brs. Mathew Puthoor and John Chollanickal in the year 2004. The church was further expanded in the year 2018 in view of accommodating the growing parish.