Assisi Ashram, Vadapuram

The initiative to start an ashram at Vadapuram was taken by Br. Francis Ponnumpurayidom. He has been at- Mana- vi, Karulai for quite a number of years. In view of living and serving as a fraternity, he, in consultation with Rev. Fr. Abraham Nellickal, the Vicar Forane of Nilambur, proposed to start an ashram at Vadapuram which could be the center of our life and ministry in the area of Nilambur. On wider consultation and considerations, Vadapuram was found to be a very good choice for the purpose. Hence the Vice-Provincial Councill decided to carry it out at the earliest. Accordingly, the Vice-Provincial, Br. Stephen Jairaj Koonthamattam, took up the matter with the diocesan authorities on 08/03/2005. Meanwhile, Br. Francis Ponnumpurayidom, in collaboration with the Forane Vicar and local Catholic Leaders were on the lookout for a suitable plot of land. The Vice-Provincial Councill visited Vadapuram and decided on a four-acre plot of land, which was found to be most suitable for our need. On 28th March Br. Vice-Provincial and Br. Francis Ponnumpurayidom negotiated with the owner regarding the price and other matters. Two acres of the property were registered in the name of the Vice-Province and the rest in the name of FCC Mananthavady Province on March 31, 2005. Mar Jose Porunnedom, the bishop of Mananthavady, gave his permission on 12/03/2005 to start an Ashram and a Sunday Mass Centre attached to it.
Br. Francis Ponnumpurayidom was proposed by the Vice- Provincial and was appointed by the bishop as the Priest in- Charge of the Mass-Centre with effect from April 25, 2005. Within a few days Br. Francis Ponnumpurayidom organized the local Catholic community and put up a temporary Cha- pel and two adjacent rooms. The blessing of the Chapel was on 12th May 2005 and the first holy Mass was celebrated by the Vicar Forane. The construction of the new Ashram is completed within an year. The church took around three more years to complete. It was blessed on 08/08/2010. Our church was constituted into a Parish of Mananthavady dio- cese on 07/03/2012.