Puthanazhi Kavala
Iringatari P.O.,
Malappuram Dt
676 523

About Us
The landed property measuring one acre and forty cents has been donated to our Province on 11/07/2013 by Ancy Thomas Kannampadamattam alias Sr Jessy, a social worker in Kavi dress in Bihar State. Donor’s intention was it should be utilised for Religious purpose. For two years the land was looked after by the community at Arimanal and was fenced with barbed wire. When in 2015 Br Devanand came over to the site at Puthanazhikavala near Melattur, he started constructing needed hermitages and a chapel. The ashram known as Thapovanam was blessed by Provincial Minister Br Thomas Karingadayil on 27th September 2017. Thapovanam serves as a centre of contemplation and prayer in the Franciscan and Capuchin tradition of Indian background. Contemplation, inculturation and dialogue with other religions in terms of life and experience are important features of Thapovanam.
Mr K N George was a spiritual seeker who shared very much the ideals of Thapovanam. He came to stay here as early as 2017. With the permission of the Provincial and the council he built for himself a hermitage in our property where he was allowed to live until death. In 2021 bought an addition of five cents of land adjacent to Thapovanam. There was already a modest building in the plot with three rooms, a hall a kitchen.
Thapovanam always welcomes spiritual seekers who can nurture their contemplative call in the best way possible in silence and solitude. For the sake of the seekers we have a small library with classic spiritual books.