Amalgiri Ashram
Amalagiri Ashram
Edatt P. O., Payyannur,
Kannur, Kerala - 670 327

About Us
Malabar is a long narrow strip of land divided into North and South. North Malabar was far away from our existing houses. The Thalassery diocese extended over to Karnataka State too. Hence, there was urgent need to have an Ashram in North Malabar for ministry as well as promotion of vocations to the Order.
Br. Raymond, the Minister Provincial, with the consent of the council approved the suggestion. Br. Alphonse was en- trusted with the task of finding a plot in North Malabar. Payyannur was found to be a good centre for us. And the present site was chosen by Br. Raymond, Br. Stephen Jairaj, Br. Gerard and Br. Alphonse on 15th October 1981.
The already existing building was turned into an Ashram. It is on the National Highway 17, 3 Kms. south of Payyan- nur town, on Thaliparampu Road. A new Ashram with a chapel was constructed under the supervision of Br. Jacob Kurisinkal. An extension of the existing building was done under the supervision of Br. Paul Kainikkal in 2004. In 2008 this ashram was converted into a formation house and on 6th June 2008, Minister General Br. Mauro Jhori inaugurat- ed the first batch of initial formation here. The Ashram was modified in February to June in the year 2017 and com- pleted in early 2018.

Br. Thomas Kalapurackal
(Guardian & Rector)

Br. E. K Joseph
(Vicar & Asst. Rector)

Br. Rinto Chandrathil